PANTHER Gene Information   
Gene Symbol(s): akirin1-b
Organism: Xenopus laevis
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Gene Name: Akirin-1B
Gene ID: akirin1-b
Protein ID: Q7ZY70
Persistent Id: PTN009007759
Alternate Ids:
AKIRB(Synonym) BC043949(EMBL)
NM_001086040(refSeq) 379196(GeneID)
AKIRB_XENLA(UniProtKB-ID) akirin1-b(Symbol)
AAH43949(EMBL-CDS) 82176746(GI)
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PANTHER Classification
PANTHER Subfamily: AKIRIN-1 (PTHR13293:SF9)  
PANTHER GO-slim Molecular Function: transcription coregulator activity
PANTHER GO-slim Biological Process: cell migration
positive regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis
positive regulation of cellular component organization
negative regulation of cell population proliferation
positive regulation of cell differentiation
positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
positive regulation of cellular component biogenesis
regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection assembly
positive regulation of innate immune response
tissue regeneration
PANTHER GO-slim Cellular Component: chromatin
PANTHER protein class:
Pathway Categories: No pathway information available
GO MF Complete: transcription coregulator activity
GO BP Complete: positive regulation of lamellipodium assembly, myoblast migration involved in skeletal muscle regeneration, positive regulation of macrophage chemotaxis, positive regulation of myoblast differentiation, positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II, negative regulation of skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation
GO CC Complete: nucleus, chromatin
Reactome Pathways: -