PANTHER Class Information   
Name:  nucleosome assembly
Definition:  The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of a nucleosome, the beadlike structural units of eukaryotic chromatin composed of histones and DNA.
Class ID:  GO:0006334
Parent Lineages:  biological_process>   cellular process>   cellular component organization or biogenesis>   cellular component organization>   protein-containing complex organization>   protein-DNA complex organization>   chromatin organization>   chromatin remodeling>   nucleosome organization>   nucleosome assembly
biological_process>   cellular process>   cellular component organization or biogenesis>   cellular component organization>   protein-containing complex organization>   protein-DNA complex organization>   chromatin organization>   nucleosome assembly
biological_process>   cellular process>   cellular component organization or biogenesis>   cellular component organization>   protein-containing complex organization>   protein-DNA complex organization>   protein-DNA complex assembly>   nucleosome assembly
biological_process>   cellular process>   cellular component organization or biogenesis>   cellular component organization>   protein-containing complex organization>   protein-containing complex assembly>   protein-DNA complex assembly>   nucleosome assembly
biological_process>   cellular process>   cellular component organization or biogenesis>   cellular component biogenesis>   cellular component assembly>   protein-containing complex assembly>   protein-DNA complex assembly>   nucleosome assembly
biological_process>   cellular process>   cellular component organization or biogenesis>   cellular component organization>   cellular component assembly>   protein-containing complex assembly>   protein-DNA complex assembly>   nucleosome assembly
Number Subfamilies/Families:  67