PANTHER Class Information   
Name:  leukocyte chemotaxis
Definition:  The movement of a leukocyte in response to an external stimulus.
Class ID:  GO:0030595
Parent Lineages:  biological_process>   cellular process>   cell motility>   cell migration>   leukocyte migration>   leukocyte chemotaxis
biological_process>   immune system process>   leukocyte migration>   leukocyte chemotaxis
biological_process>   response to stimulus>   cellular response to stimulus>   cellular response to chemical stimulus>   cell chemotaxis>   leukocyte chemotaxis
biological_process>   cellular process>   cellular response to stimulus>   cellular response to chemical stimulus>   cell chemotaxis>   leukocyte chemotaxis
biological_process>   response to stimulus>   response to chemical>   cellular response to chemical stimulus>   cell chemotaxis>   leukocyte chemotaxis
biological_process>   cellular process>   cell motility>   cell migration>   cell chemotaxis>   leukocyte chemotaxis
biological_process>   response to stimulus>   response to chemical>   chemotaxis>   cell chemotaxis>   leukocyte chemotaxis
biological_process>   response to stimulus>   response to external stimulus>   taxis>   chemotaxis>   cell chemotaxis>   leukocyte chemotaxis
biological_process>   locomotion>   taxis>   chemotaxis>   cell chemotaxis>   leukocyte chemotaxis
Child:  macrophage chemotaxis
neutrophil chemotaxis
Number Subfamilies/Families:  37